Thursday 3 November 2016


• What is editing?

Editing is essential for making the clips you film to make sense and have a structure. (Arranging, revising and preparing written audio and video material for the final production. there is different type of editing such as video manipulation, motion graphics and many more.

Video manipulation example:

Video manipulation is video editing that manipulates the image, so for example special effects that makes it different from the original clip and is mainly for entertainment and effect.

Montage example:

montage is technique of editing that uses separate sections clips and piecing them together to make a continuous whole

• What is Elliptical editing?


Elliptical editing is a technique used in film editing that makes an event on screen to be shorter then its actual duration in the story. the most simplest type of elliptical editing is a cut between two shots which show the same event but in different times.

• Why are long shots used?
Long shots are used to show the distance of the scene and to stress the environment or setting in the scene

• What is ‘non-diegetic sound’?

Non-diegetic sound is sound where the source is neither visible on screen or has been implied in the action present.

such as:

-Narrators voice

• How do we know she is bending down to pick up the ring? (what shots are used and why?)

• Overhead establishing shot – what does this achieve?

This shot is a close-up/close shot of a detailed view of a person or object.

• What is Shot-Reverse-Shot?

A shot reverse shot is a film/editing technique that shows one character in the clip looking at the other character (off screen) then the next shot will be the other character looking at the first.

• What is Eye-line matching?

Eye-line matching is a film editing technique that allows the audience to see into the character on screen's eyes and see what they are seeing (first person).

• Why do we cut to the other members of the group?

• What is a wipe?

A wipe is a certain transition that is implemented in the editing which has one shot that is replaced by another by travelling from one side of the frame to the other side with any special shape.

• What is the effect of using quick cuts?

The purpose and effect of using quick cuts in editing is too tell a lot of information quickly or to emphasise energy of chaos.

b) Now watch ‘Editing: The Invisible Art’ and take notes:
• How can editing build tension and pace?

• What is crosscutting?

Cross cutting is an editing technique  that is mostly used in action films to establish things happening at the same time but in two different locations. in a cross cut, the camera will cut away from one action to another.

• What are reaction shots?
 A reaction shot is a portrayal of a persons reaction to an action or a statement that has been made by another.

• What is seamless editing?
seamless editing is where you edit and construct two different pieces of film together to create a smooth or neat piece of footage that makes sense and runs into each clip easily

• What is a jump cut?

A jump cut is a sudden transition from one scene to another.

• What is a flash back and what does it achieve?

A flash back is used in editing to add depth to the story to show what has happened in the past from the present that has some sort of connection.

• How can editing be used poetically?

Editing can be used to make to clips or scenes that have nothing to do with each other make sense and have a connection.

C. Watch ‘Playing with Time’ – watch the film ‘The Gloaming’. Write a short evaluation of the editing used in this film. Refer to detailed examples from the film and use the terminology you have learnt today.

6. Editor Job profile:
Read the Film editor job profile. Then, summarise in your own words the key aspects of being an editor. Explain what other people the editor works with and the skills needed.
Editor Job Role:

7. Finally - Read through your blog post and check for spelling and label your post 16.1.1. Upload this to your blog.